The Start of the Final Task...
We finally began our first day of filming! We didn't accomplish much, however we did start on the project. The scenes we began on were scenes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The settings for these first scenes were the airport, in a "taxi", and in a hotel. The first scene was shot in the airport, we had Ella and I going through the airport as well as "checking in" for our flight. The scenes in the airport were particularly difficult to film because I have bad social anxiety that I had to overcome. It was very awkward having to explain to staff that we were filming for a project and it was even worse for normal people trying to simply get their check-in done. The plane scene we haven't shot yet because that requires a lot more work and time and we were limited on time. For the plane scene we have multiple ideas, but one we will most likely go with is both of us separately shooting scenes in the planes ourselves on the way to our vacations for Spring break. This makes the scene look better because instead of us having to make a fake plane background, we simply record ourselves on the plane and merge the scenes together with transitioning camera angles making it seem like we are on the same plane at the same time. The plane scene adds more depth and intricate detail into our film and makes it more interesting for viewers. Another scene we did shoot was Ella and I outside of the airport waiting for our taxi, we look like tourists and we are waiting by all the busy cars and people ready for our "vacation". For the taxi scene, we recorded taxi's going by and then had a friend pick us up so it would look like we were in the taxi when in reality that wasn't the case. Lastly, we filmed the scene of Ella and I pulling up and checking into our hotel. In our process of the first day of filming, I would say that the most difficult part for us was transportation, and dealing with the awkward social anxiety of being filmed and constantly having to re-film in front of many people. We both have very bad social anxiety so it was definitely a struggle to make the scenes look natural. Something that came very easy to us during filming was remembering our lines and making the scenery very obvious so the viewers would be able to tell where we were. In conclusion, the first day of filming was amazing, but definitely something to get used to. I can't wait to shoot the next one and get more scenes done!
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