The Storyboard...

 In the first storyboard we have the entry into the movie, the beginning is Ella and I entering Florida (the vacation) after the scenes on the plane. These scenes begin to show the atmosphere and setting that the story begins. 

The second storyboard is Ella and I introducing another setting where the drama begins, the setting is a hotel. Mysterious things begin to start and I become suspicious and Ella is trying to calm me down. 

The third storyboard is where the Antagonist is introduced and how he enters the setting and story. The setting is still continuing in the hotel but the tension of the story begins to rise as I leave the room alone. 

The fourth storyboard is where I begin to find and follow the antagonist, however the viewers are in suspense because the scenes don't go into much detail besides for me in suspicion. The story introduces a setting which is the staircase and I begin to trail the antagonist. 

The last storyboard is where the story wraps up, I run up to Ella to tell her what I saw unravel. The viewers get an understanding of what the problem was and Ella and I start to go to find the antagonist and the screen goes blank. This leaves the viewers on a cliffhanger letting them want a second part. 


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