Intro Blog

    Hello, my name is Dellana Alea Radzwill. I am beyond excited to start my year in AICE Media Studies! I am in my Junior year of high school, leaning towards gaining a higher education to do big things later on in life. My motto is get the hard work done now, so towards the future its all light work and prevail. I am in the Cambridge program because I love to challenge myself. I am a hardworking student and I love film! AICE Media studies was the perfect class to suit my personal interests. As for my family, my mom is from Chernovsti, Ukraine and my father is from Texas. As a child, I would be brought to Ukraine every summer up until last year due to Covid-19. I speak and understand fluent Ukrainian and Russian. Unlike other teens, I love to work, my parents taught me that with growing up, there's a constant need to chase the memories and the money. My dad likes to say, "Memories cost money, and that's why we don't have any". I got my first job when I first turned fifteen years old, I worked at WinnDixie for about six months. Now I am a hostess at 101 Ocean receiving higher pay, working more often, and learning about the business and the restaurant community. Everyday I learn something new from the coworkers around me, whether it be about business, politics, laws, and even life skills. I learned how to provide customer service, how to manage money, and how to manage people in a business, on the side I am taught extra responsibility and hard work. I am so excited to see what this year in this new class will bring. Film brings out creativity and a free flowed mind. In my Junior year, I hope to receive the final Cambridge credits that I've been working hard for! So far so good!


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