StoryBoard Blog

 Slide 1: Our actor is shown on the school track struggling to find enough energy to push through his run. The actor will be tired and unable to continue to run, the actor will take a seat to relax and catch his breath before attempting his run one last time. 

Slide 2: A student will be seen coming over to offer our actor a RedBull seeming as he had no energy to run. Our actor will drink a sip of the RedBull and will feel like burst of energy shoot through his body. This will change his facial expressions and his body language. 

Slide 3: After the energy boost, our actor will attempt his run again. This time, due to the energy from the RedBull, he is wide awake and running faster then ever with an energetic music in the background making the scene more dramatic and enthusiastic. The actor will say "I feel like I have wings!" to the other student which is RedBull's slogan for the company. 

Slide 4: The actor is shown in a school hallway with his skateboard skating through the halls with speed. He's gliding and skating effortlessly due to his energy boost. Our actor's body language will represent energetic, excited, and happy. 

Slide 5: The actor will take out the RedBull again and take another sip as the camera zooms in emphasizing on the product being advertised. He feels free and ready to take on any challenge approaching him. The actor will feel another rush of energy and will proceed to skate through the halls. 

Slide 6: In our last scene, our actor will be going down one of the hallways on his skateboard. He will be edited in slow motion doing a trick seeming like he is "flying" due to RedBull's slogan about feeling like you have wings. He will land fast pace and the screen will go dark with the RedBull logo fading in. 


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