CCR Blog.

     The product my team and I chose to review was red Bull. We chose Red Bull because it was a great idea for an advertisement and it would be super challenging to us and it would also create a better learning experience. The Red Bull commercial gave challenging conventions such as making sure the commercial was exciting and adventurous. It was also as challenging making sure to emphasize the use of the Red Bull in the commercial.  It was difficult because we had to do all of our clips in school.  This made it particularly difficult to make the commercial super adventurous and different when that is what the brand RedBull stands for and advertises with. When filming these clips on school grounds, there is a lot less expansion of creativity because there are particular limits to things you can do as well as film. It would have been much more exciting if we got to go out of school bounds to find a nice area that would make the scenes look more exciting and adventurous. These problems represent issues because when filming a particular commercial, there is a theme to reach out to the viewers to convince them to buy your product. With our commercial topic being RedBull, as a group we had to make the commercial fun and exciting for our consumers to want to invest in our product. If we had the capability to go out of school, we could have made multiple clips in different areas making our advertisement entirely more creative and enjoyable. However, with the circumstances given, my group and I did an amazing commercial on school grounds. 

    Our product of RedBull well engaged our viewers because it reaches out to them well. The target audience of RedBull is teens. As a teenager who goes to a high school, you better understand the ideas you need to incorporate in your advertisement to reach out to people your age with the same interests, hobbies, and responsibilities as you. RedBull is an energy drink for when people are feeling a little under the weather and need a boost of energy. Us using the product RedBull resonates well with teenagers because we understand the responsibilities we all share as teens and the stresses of loss of energy. Teenagers come to school with energy drinks everyday from the exhaustion of no sleep from so much homework, or no sleep because of work, or just no energy because they feel drained. Our product would be distributed as a real media text by using the stresses of real life that all teenagers deal with. The advertisement represents the release of stress and the feeling of being free and unstoppable. The relatable struggles we deal with everyday can all relate to communicating a real and effective media text. 

    Our production skills developed through this product with the complexity of the filming. As a team, our production skills all developed greatly and this project gave a great deal of lessons on the production industry. The hardest part for us as a team was the filming and planning. We had to find the perfect idea that spoke out to our peers around us and to other teenagers who deal with the same things we do. It took a while for our team to agree on one topic for our scenes as well as where to film them in the school, and what to do in the clip. It was a difficult process to get the perfect clip as well because we had to shoot multiple angles as well as multiple shots to create the perfect video. This took lots of time, editing and reshooting to make it just right. My skills of filming definitely improved with the continuous filming and reshooting for the perfect video, my aim got better, my shots, and the set up for the camera quality to look the best. Many things influenced the shooting of our videos such as, weather, light, sun, and other students surrounding us as well. We tried to make our advertisement focus on our actor Darrow, however students were all over the school also filming their projects. My production skills definitely improved, some skills i'd say got better were my editing and my shooting skills. With all of the practice and reruns we had to do with shooting clips, it gave me more time to do better and find better ways to create the perfect video. With editing, my team and I had to continuously re-edit to get the perfect timing on every clip as well as the perfect effect. 

    When shooting these clips for our advertisement, we needed certain technology to be capable to edit them. We used a computer software app on our phone called Imovie to create our film and put it all together. We had to import all of our clips into the system and go through each one and edit them in the correct order and continuously re-edit to make sure the clip timing and editing was perfect. After adding all of our clips in, we had to change the timing effects. Some examples would be slowing down a clip to improve the effect of the clip in our video, or speeding one up to make the boost of energy more understandable. After this was done, we had to purchase a song in order to use it on our advertisement. After purchasing a song, we imported it and chose the best timing of the song that aligned with our advertisement. After all of these steps were accomplished, we rewatched our advertisement continuous times so everything was guaranteed perfect. After this, I exported the video into our phone and we imported the video into our blog video. It was difficult to work with certain technologies to edit the perfect video. 


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