The Breakup Production

 The first day of production was very easy, there were only a few scenes shot. My partner and I had to film the clips in different orders because of the scenery in some clips. A lot of our planning got changed such as the location of the clips and some of the angles. The scenes that were supposed to be shot at the beach were changed to being shot in a hammock in my backyard, this was because we couldn't find transportation to the beach that day, also with shortage of timing and my scheduling of work and my partners scheduling of after school activities, it was difficult to find a good day to film at the beach. Since we had to film outside at my pool, we also changed the activity to make the project more appropriate and less personal. The activity was changed to the couple reading a book on the hammock and having a friendly conversation. Another scene that was changed was the placement of the couple getting broken up with and blocked. I had to way to film at work because it was very busy, so I had to improvise and change the scenery to my house. Lastly, what was changed was the scene of the couple hugging and the man disappearing, it was difficult to get the shots to be a seamless transition so I am currently working on a scene to substitute that particular scene. During the first day we shot the breakup scene, and two of the closeup scenes on the phone. We also had time to go to the mall parking garage rooftop and film the dancing scene on the roof, lastly we filmed the scene by the pool and the car scene where the couple argues. I had a video camera and a tripod so that the setup of the angles would be done well and the camera would not be hand held and shaky. As the scenes went on, the filming got easier but it was difficult to get the perfect scene. We had to do so many reshoots of scenes that it became insanely stressful. It was difficult for me and the other actor to be serious in some of the scenes since we don't have acting experience but there are areas in certain scenes that I can use that looked good. The process of filming was very fun and it was a good bonding experience as well, however the time it took to film was a lot longer than I expected it to. After constant reshoots of our scenes we finally finished and I went home to transfer all of the footage onto my computer, afterwards my partner had to leave to do schoolwork and I had homework to finish. It was a very stressful process to get everything perfectly right, however we got a lot accomplished this day. The next time we film, we plan to film about 3 or 4 more scenes. The difficulties with filming is definitely transportation to different places to shoot, outfit changes, acting difficulties, and reshoots. However despite all these problems, I genuinely believe we accomplished a lot and had a great day of filming.  


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