Planning Titles
First Title Card (Della's Studios Presents) : Della's Studios Second Title Card (Name of Production company): D.E Production Third Title Card: (actors names): Dellana Radzwill Ella Wills Simona Consentino Fourth Title Card (Film Name): "Drug Island" Fifth Title Card(Music By): Sound Therapy Power Music Nagaty Studio Flavas Of Chill Ross Budgen (On Youtube) Sixth Title Card (costume designer): Dellana Radzwill Seventh Title Card (Edited by): Ella Wills Eighth Title Card (Produced by): Ella Wills & Dellana Radzwill Ninth Title Card (Story By): Dellana Radzwill Tenth title card (Written by): Ella Wills Eleventh Title Card (Directed by): Dellana Radzwill Font: We chose three different possible fonts to use. 1. Arial 2. Georgia 3. Times Contrast Color: The contrast color will be either a white or black depending on the colors we choose for the background of our titles. We want to make it colorful and ente...